Few words about me

Around 25 years ago, I went through a tough ordeal. A serious injury left me in a tough spot, and the doctors advised me to give up all physical activities to avoid the possibility of ending up in a wheelchair.

They recommended a plan that involved taking a bunch of painkillers, resting for a really long time, and possibly going through surgeries.

But you know, as a human, I couldn’t just accept that. Our bodies are pretty incredible when it comes to healing themselves. So, I decided to embark on a journey to figure out how our bodies actually work and what they need to heal.

I started diving into the world of neurology and also took courses and training in different practices that focus on connecting the body and the brain in a balanced way.

In the beginning, I got into something called the Feldenkrais Method, which was developed by a physicist named Moshe Feldenkrais. Later on, I ran into some practitioners who suggested I explore Neuro Functional Reorganisation (Padovan).

Both of these methods involve working closely with an instructor and they make a lot of sense when you look at how living things change and grow over their lifetimes (this is known as Ontogeny, by the way).

All this knowledge got me thinking. I wanted to put all these ideas into action. So, I combined what I knew about the Feldenkrais and Padovan Methods with my three decades of experience in Junomichi (that’s proper martial art Judo, not the sports version), Jujitsu, and Kyokushin Karate. My goal was to come up with a method that could help me deal with my injured back.

Now, let me tell you about Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904–1984). He wasn’t just a physicist; he was also one of the pioneers of Judo. He was buddies with the founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano. Dr. Feldenkrais had his own rough encounter with injury, and because of his deep Judo background, he started exploring how the human body moves and works in a holistic way.

Speaking of Judo, the real deal is quite different from what people often see today as “Sports Judo.”

Junomichi (Original Judo) is not a sport. The physical development is obvious this is why Junomichi is a physical development which, gradually frees the unnecessary movement in order to live a better everyday life. Consequently, people become more aware of themselves and more importantly, their environment.
How, by not using t brain capabilities to do these unnecessary movements) IN that instance, Junomichi (original Hudo) is also a spiritual research

(Skills required for Samourais in order to live old and in good health)

What’s going on nowadays is more like a show of physical skills without any connection to the martial art’s true essence. Judo was actually designed to benefit everyone, no matter their age, size, or physical condition. Sports Judo is based on individual competition and opposition. They want to get the Metal award and praise champs. (The people who do this activity called themselves players.) They even oppose their body against themselves