Calendar and Fee

Supporting Our Shared Journey

As I volunteer my time to run these classes and do not receive any income from them, I kindly ask that you contribute towards the running costs (such as rent, insurance, and materials). My aim is to share knowledge to help people feel better, and your support ensures we can continue providing these sessions.

Commitment and Contributions

We aim to offer an experience that goes beyond simply paying and receiving something in return, as you might with a vending machine. Instead, think of our class as joining a team—your participation and commitment support the group, and the more you engage, the more beneficial it becomes for everyone, including yourself.

For this reason, we do not take payment on a session-by-session basis but rather for the whole period or in instalments. This approach promotes consistency and dedication, which are important for both individual and group progress.

The fee for each period is displayed next to the final session before a scheduled break.

The cost per session is £4, but as it is explained, we do not take payment per session.

Payments are non-refundable. This structure helps maintain commitment, as we aim to foster a sense of responsibility to both yourself and the group, rather than operating like a vending machine where one simply inserts a coin for a product.

Each session costs £4, which covers the running expenses, such as venue hire and equipment. I run these classes on a volunteer basis and do not take any personal profit from the fees.

Cost per session

You do not need to pay for the first two sessions. If you choose not to continue, it simply means Pilates-Taiso may not be the right fit for you.

However, if you decide to join, this signifies a commitment to yourself, and the cost of those initial two sessions will be included in the total fee.

If you join partway through the year, the fee will be calculated on a pro-rata basis for the remaining sessions.

If possible, please pay the fees before the start of each term to help cover costs upfront and ensure the smooth continuation of the classes without financial strain.

The total cost for the year is £144. There are 3 ways of payments.
You can choose to pay in 1, 2 or 3instalments by bank transfer (details below) or at the beginning of each period (see the table below).

One-off payment for the year: £140 (due before the 3rd session, 17/09/2024)

2 instalments of £70 each

  • First payment of £70 (due 17/09/2024)
  • Second payment of £70 (due 28/01/2025)

    3 instalments of £45, £45 and £50 each

    • First payement of £45 (due 17/09/2024)
    • Second payment of £45 (due 13/11/2024)
    • Third payment of £50 (due 12/02/2025)

    Payment Option 3, per period

    • See the amount and date in the below table

    Quick Guide to Reading the Table

    • Periods: Divides the schedule into time blocks, labeled 1 to 5.
    • Week Number: Indicates the specific week of the year.
    • Oxgangs & Inch House: Lists the class dates for each location.
    • Sessions: Shows the total sessions held during each period.
    • Fee: Displays the total fee for the sessions in that period.
    • “REST”: Indicates weeks where no classes are scheduled.

    The “Total” row at the bottom summarises the total sessions and fees for the entire schedule.

    Periods Week Number OXGANGS INCH HOUSE Sessions Fee
    1 36 03/09/24 04/09/24
    37 10/09/24 11/09/24
    38 17/09/24 18/09/24
    39 24/09/24 25/09/24
    40 01/10/24 02/10/24
    41 08/10/24 09/10/24 6 24
    42 REST
    2 43 22/10/24 23/10/24
    44 29/10/24 30/10/24
    45 05/11/24 06/11/24
    46 12/11/24 13/11/24
    47 19/11/24 20/11/24
    48 26/11/24 27/11/24
    49 03/12/24 04/12/24
    50 10/12/24 11/12/24
    51 17/12/24 18/12/24 9 36
    52 REST
    1 REST
    2 REST
    3 3 14/01/25 15/01/25
    4 21/01/25 22/01/25
    5 28/01/25 29/01/25
    6 04/02/25 05/02/25
    7 11/02/25 12/02/25
    8 18/02/25 19/02/25
    9 25/02/25 26/02/25 7 28
    10 REST
    11 REST
    4 12 18/03/25 19/03/25
    13 25/03/25 26/03/25
    14 01/04/25 02/04/25
    15 08/04/25 09/04/25 4 16
    16 REST
    5 17 22/04/25 23/04/25
    18 29/04/25 30/04/25
    19 06/05/25 07/05/25
    20 13/05/25 14/05/25
    21 20/05/25 21/05/25
    22 27/05/25 28/05/25
    23 03/06/25 04/06/25
    24 10/06/25 11/06/25
    25 17/06/25 18/06/25 9 36
    Total 35 140.00

    Payment only by Bank transfer:
    Account name: UNICITY, Sort code: 80-22-60, Account number: 22986060
    For international payment: IBAN: GB27BOFS80226022986060, BIC: BOFSGBS1SDP
    Reference: Your name and Surname + <Number of the installement> or <period number>